About us

The council is here to serve local residents and we want to put that at the heart of everything we do. We have listened very carefully to what local residents have been telling us and are making it a priority to deliver on the things that really matter to them. We have three top priorities for the borough which are:

  • Creating good jobs - rebuilding our economy, returning good well-paid jobs to our borough and delivering the next generation of genuinely affordable homes.
  • Tackling the climate crisis - greening our borough, cleaning our air and ensuring the borough we build is sustainable.
  • Fighting inequality - relentlessly tackling poverty and inequality that blights too many lives and disproportionately holds back all too many people from achieving their dreams and aspirations.

The Borough

Ealing is situated in West London. It has a population of 367,100, making it the third-largest London borough in terms of populace. The borough comprises seven major towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale and Southall. Our seven vibrant towns each contain communities with a strong sense of identity and pride, each with its own sense of history, culture and economic power.

Equality and diversity

Ealing is a diverse and multicultural London borough. The council workforce is just under 3,000 and a large proportion of us are Ealing residents.

The council recognises and values the diversity of all people and communities in the borough and in our workforce, and is committed to meeting the needs of all of our residents and our employees.

The borough complies with its obligations under the equality act 2010, including the specific duties it has under the public sector equality duty, to eliminate unlawful discrimination; advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. Learn more via the links below:

Race Equality Commission

Race Equality Commission | Race Equality Commission | Ealing Council

Public Sector Equality Duty

Introduction | Public sector equality duty | Ealing Council

Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities | Equal opportunities | Ealing Council